K9 Supervisor Course – Texas Feb 9-11, 2015

Learn How to Get More from Your K9 Teams in Our 3 Day Supervisor Course

In February, we will be offering a 3-day K9 Supervisor Course hosted by the Harker Heights Police Department.  This course is a great opportunity for Administrators, Chiefs, Sheriffs, Supervisors and even handlers to gain insight on how to properly supervise and get more from their departmental K9 Teams.

K9 Supervisor Course – February 9-11, 2015

K9 Supervisor Course Manual
Included in our K9 Supervisor Course is a 200+ page manual that serves as a great reference even after the course.

This inclusive 3-day course will be held at the Harker Heights Police Department in Harker Heights, Texas.  This seminar will cover a variety of topics including proper deployment, creating an effective K9 unit policy, canine case law, FLSA issues as well as a great deal of information on how to get more from your existing and future K9 teams. The K9 Supervisor Course will be offered February 9-11, 2015  at a cost of $159 for the entire seminar. This course is open to all law enforcement and military administrators, supervisors and handlers.

This course is more inclusive than our one-day supervisor seminar and provides more information for those who are looking to improve their K9 teams performance while reducing liability.


Sign Up Today!

K9 Supervisor Course Registration Form
Click on the Image above to download the registration form.

To Sign Up for our K9 Supervisor Seminar, simply give us a call at 704.498.7907 or email us. Space in the courses will be limited  and this class will fill quickly. The course is being hosted by the Harker Heights Police Department and will meet at:

Harker Heights Police Department
402 Indian Trail
Harker Heights, TX 76548

Classes will start each morning at 8:30 a.m. and will end at 4:30 p.m.

For those traveling from out of town, the following hotel information has been provided:

Holiday Inn Express
5247 S. General Bruce Dr
Temple, TX 76502 , United States
1 877 410 6667 (Reservations)
1-254-7785511 (Front Desk)
Just mention the reservation is for the K9 Supervisor Course to receive the governmental rate of $83.00 a night plus tax.

For  more information on accommodations or hotels contact:

Sonja Clay
Harker Heights Police Department
Phone: 254.953.5401